Topic: Editing not possible

Hi there,
i can´t edit any content. I´ve tried both, the "Define edit areas" and the "Code" section but none work.
For example after i´ve entered the class="edit" thingy to my code and pressed "publish changes" the new inserted code just disappears again.
Same with the "Define edit areas". I click on them, then save the changes, but at "Edit content" there are no flags at all.

Can you help me? Sorry if my english is not 100% correct.

Re: Editing not possible

Hi there, I've just taken a look and your account appears to be setup correctly. I have tested your FTP details and they all seem ok but we are receiving an error when trying to edit index.html, it looks like the FTP user doesn't have write permissions.

Re: Editing not possible

perfect, i changed that and it works now. Thanks for the quick response!

One more question: It seems that my facebook-like button seems to be not working anymore - could that have anything to do with the simple cms tool?

Re: Editing not possible

Sounds like it may be a Facebook thing to me! "Gavin doesn't Like this" :)