Topic: remove code view option

I am setting up a new account, my first time with SimpleCMS. The site will be edited by non-coders, but I wanted to see how the code option worked so I clicked that in the beginning. Now I cannot see how to remove that. I don't want them to have access to the code.

How do I remove this? I tried deleting the site, but after when I added it back to start over, the code setting remained.

And this is the trial account; will the rich text be available with a paid account?

Re: remove code view option

Hi Matt, you can enable/disable the code view under Account > My account

When you add a user to the system you will be able to turn on/off individual features for them under Users > Permission, this way you get to enable code view for yourself and disable it for your users.

The trial account is exactly the same as the paid account so you can explore all features of SimpleCMS.

Re: remove code view option

OH okay, that totally makes sense now. Thanks for the help. I will set  up a user account for one of them and mess around with it... trying to work it all out before I turn them loose!

SimpleCMS looks fabulous and so easy. I think they're going to be happy with it.