Topic: Edit only link

Hello simpleCMS team,

I have the following markup:

<a class="edit" href="link.php">
     <h2 class="edit">Lorem ipsum</h2>
     <h3 class="subtitle edit">dolor sit amet</h3>

What I need is the possibility that when the user clickes the edit on the link, that he can only edit the link and not the content inside, because they are already editable. And I don't want to have seperate <a> tags around h2 and h3, this would destroy the design.

Is there a solution?



Re: Edit only link

Hi Simon, you should really put your A tags inside the heading tags otherwise you are producing invalid HTML. Aside from that, SimpleCMS isn't setup to allow editing of the HREF only so you would need to have a parent element editable so you could edit the link in the WYSIWYG editor.