Topic: Using DIV or Tabs

I have several pages that feature tabs (DIV Areas)

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This page features 4 areas with tabs at the top.

By default the Tab #1 Area is editable but is
there anyway to edit the tab #2, Tab #3, Tab #4?

It looks like I have to create an iFrame Source Page
for each of the Tabs and then allow user to edit each
source page coach-2.php, coach-3.php, coach-4.php
and then be sure to add these pages to the sitemap.xml.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Using DIV or Tabs

Hi Peter, you shouldn't have to use iFrames to get this working. You can make the content in each tab editable and when you click the tab it should show the editable area. It won't let you edit content within an iFrame (unless you were to edit the iFrame's URL via the sitemap as you suggested).