Topic: TMP Upload Folder

Is there a way to manage or get into the folder where uploads go?

Re: TMP Upload Folder

SimpleCMS uploads files into multiple folders:

Images are uploaded to /images
PDFs are uploaded to /pdfs
Other files are uploaded to /files

There isn't an area in SimpleCMS that lets you manage those folders.

Re: TMP Upload Folder

One of my clients have uploaded several mp3's to the server but when I look into the Files directory, they are not there. The weird part is that when he uploads it again it says "The file with the same name is already available." Any reasons why I can't see the file in the "Files" folder?

Re: TMP Upload Folder

When you upload files they are stored on the SimpleCMS server to begin with. When you click on the "Save changes" button the system will move the folders to your web server.

In your case you have uploaded an MP3 and it hasn't moved to your web server so it has stayed on the SimpleCMS server. When you've tried to upload the MP3 again it recognises that a file with the same filename already exists on the SimpleCMS server.

We're investigating why the MP3's haven't moved over correctly and will post back ASAP.

Re: TMP Upload Folder

I've checked the server and I can see there have been a few MP3 uploads. They all appear to be at least 20MB each which could be the problem.

I've just uploaded one of the MP3s to a test site. When I selected the file and clicked the "Send it to the server" button it took a long time to upload. I left it to upload and came back to it after a while. I then clicked on the "OK" button on the link dialog box and then clicked on "Save draft" and "Save changes" buttons. I checked the test site the MP3 was on there.

My guess is that your client might have clicked the "OK" button on the Link dialog before the MP3 had finished uploading so there wouldn't be a link to the new file and therefore no files to move across to your web server.

Could you give it a test and let me know happens. I think the key thing is to be patient when uploading large files as they can take a while.

Re: TMP Upload Folder

That makes sense. I think one thing that could help would be a progress bar for uploading to the server. I noticed that there is a progress bar when I upload an image but when I upload a large mp3 it doesn't show the progress bar.