(2 replies, posted in Support zone)

OH okay, that totally makes sense now. Thanks for the help. I will set  up a user account for one of them and mess around with it... trying to work it all out before I turn them loose!

SimpleCMS looks fabulous and so easy. I think they're going to be happy with it.


(2 replies, posted in Support zone)

I am setting up a new account, my first time with SimpleCMS. The site will be edited by non-coders, but I wanted to see how the code option worked so I clicked that in the beginning. Now I cannot see how to remove that. I don't want them to have access to the code.

How do I remove this? I tried deleting the site, but after when I added it back to start over, the code setting remained.

And this is the trial account; will the rich text be available with a paid account?