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SimpleCMS Help » Posts by Peter12
Does SimpleCMS allow for the editing of multiform tab pages (Tabs across top using DIV HTML)
Example at - Tabs across the content area.
I am also using iframes with a source page to edit, however I cannot get the source page to show up in the sitemap.
Is there any way to setup SimpleCMS to work with just a single page to edit?
I would like to take and make a simple edit/update page for our Sunday school page.
It would be great if they just log-in to a simplified edit page process.
I have several pages that feature tabs (DIV Areas)
[ ]
This page features 4 areas with tabs at the top.
By default the Tab #1 Area is editable but is
there anyway to edit the tab #2, Tab #3, Tab #4?
It looks like I have to create an iFrame Source Page
for each of the Tabs and then allow user to edit each
source page coach-2.php, coach-3.php, coach-4.php
and then be sure to add these pages to the sitemap.xml.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I discovered that if I am using quotes like "this is the Day" or 'This is the day' and my client edits the page, even though they did not touch the quotes the text is now gobbily-goop. Any suggestions?
(I can send you screen prints if needed)
On my website I have a protected directory with an index.php page that i would like my clients to edit.
This is a page dedicated to the CYBA Board of Directors.
When a board member wants to edit this index.php page I would like them to sign and they can only edit that one page. It would be best if no other pages showed up.
How can i do this?
I only want them to edit this one page?
Posts found [ 4 ]
SimpleCMS Help » Posts by Peter12
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