Still looking for an answer. Can anyone help?
2 15 Apr 2013 14:48:38
Topic: Adding classes (1 replies, posted in Support zone)
Is it possible to add classes to <p> tags without going into code view. I have pages that require special margins and padding for the first and last paragraph and was hoping there was a way to do add those classes so that my client can simply choose (or at worst enter) a special class name that can be applied to the tag they are currently editing.
3 30 Mar 2012 14:22:27
Topic: Session Timeout? (1 replies, posted in Support zone)
Hello, I was creating a new page and it took some time to get all the content on the page the way I wanted it. Upon trying to publish my changes, I was forced to log in again, only to find my changes were lost. Is there a temporary file saved some place that has my data or any way I can get it back? A lot of work was lost.
4 19 Aug 2011 20:12:01
Re: Unable to edit content (17 replies, posted in Support zone)
I am having a similiar problem at Some content is editable, some not. On the homepage there are working editable regions, but other areas (the address information in the header, the 'whats new' section on the right) are not working.
"The Force is strong with this one"