(1 replies, posted in Support zone)

Hello simpleCMS team,

I have the following markup:

<a class="edit" href="link.php">
     <h2 class="edit">Lorem ipsum</h2>
     <h3 class="subtitle edit">dolor sit amet</h3>

What I need is the possibility that when the user clickes the edit on the link, that he can only edit the link and not the content inside, because they are already editable. And I don't want to have seperate <a> tags around h2 and h3, this would destroy the design.

Is there a solution?




(5 replies, posted in Support zone)

It works!

Gr8 and thank you very much for your fast and competent support.


(5 replies, posted in Support zone)

Hi Simon,

Sorry to contact you again. But the problem is not solved yet. Now it says:

"Upload cancelled for security reasons. The file contains HTML like data."

As I found out on a CKE Editor Page it says:

"The uploaded file contains HTML code. For security reasons, only files with selected extensions are allowed to contain HTML code.

Please contact your system administrator to get more information regarding the accepted file types and their size limits."

So there must be another place in the config where you can allow vcf files to contain html like data.

Thank you in advance..



(5 replies, posted in Support zone)

Hello Angels,

A customer tried to upload a vcf File (a Contact in Outlook or other Mail Programs). He tried it by clicking the "link" button in the CKE Editor that you have implemented. Then he clicked "Upload" choosed his file "vCard.vcf" and clicked upload. The error message that appears is: "Invalid File Extension."

Please help!



To fix this problem just follow this link:

http://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.ph … mp;t=15888

I implemented a google web font "Open Sans" into my Website. But this font can't get chosen by the user. (I activated the possibility that he can choose fonts)




(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yes, your inhouse image editor is nice!

Did you make any progress about the aloha editor?


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

When I upload an image in your WYSIWYG Editor I'm very limited in what I can do.

There is no possibility to:

- scale an image (yes, you can change height and with but this doesn't really process the image)
- you can't set margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left instead you can set properties named HSpace and VSpace.
- Crop the image

Beside that I think it's ugly that the height and width of the image gets set as inline styles and not as attributes.

Your other image uploader is much nicer (class="edit-gallery") why don't you implement this one in the wysiwyg? Ah wait, because you use the CKE Editor... I would love to see the aloha editor http://aloha-editor.org/ instead. This would be awesome!


(1 replies, posted in Support zone)

The Button "activate links for navigation" has disappeared. At the moment all links can't get edited anymore and are just for navigation purpose.

I have assigned to all links the class="edit" and all links got from the CMS their unique id. Eg: niXX

Everything seems right, but I can't enable them for editing. This always worked until today.


(30 replies, posted in Tutorials)

I have some errors while using your gallery:

- When I duplicate an existing image and try to change this image it sometimes says: Can't change broken image. Somehow it seems that while copying the big image an error occurs. When I wait everything works fine.
- When I upload a new image, after uploading the dialog closes for 5 sec. When I click in this time it doesn't open again, and the upload doesn't work properly.
