Topic: Concurrency Control anyone?

I'm testing out Simple CMS and it looks very promising indeed.
The only show stopper so far is that there seem to be missing a concurrency control
to prevent users from overwriting each other's updates should two users edit
the same file at the same time.

At the very least I would have expected some sort of warning that user xyz
is currently editing this page....    Please tell me it's there and I just missed it!

- Christian

Re: Concurrency Control anyone?

Hi Christian, those checks are not in place. What are the chances of this actually happening? Both users would have be editing the same page and the same editable area for them to overwrite each others changes, but this really shouldn't be a problem because one user would believe the content should say X while the other user believe it should say Y, so they should organise within their team what the content is going to say first.

When you make a change to a page the system will only replace the content that has been updated. For example, if you have 3 editable areas on a page and you only edit 1 area then only that area is updated. So if the other user is editing another element then those changes won't be overwritten.

I hope this helps, shoot over any further questions.

Re: Concurrency Control anyone?

Thanks for the answer.
So if I hear you correctly, when a user starts to edit something, they get a copy in their web editor (of just that section) and when they come to save it, the system will only then open the file and update that particular section.

If it does work that way then indeed, that does reduce the chances of overwriting one another's work.
Nevertheless, there remains some areas of greater commonality that may indeed be running into concurrency
issues.  I'm thinking of main header/footer SSI files and such. 

Thanks for the clarification!
- Christian

Re: Concurrency Control anyone?

Hi Christian, changes that users make are only held while they are on that page, so if they don't click the "Publish changes" button then those changes are lost and won't be in their account the next time they log in.