Topic: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

When I upload an image in your WYSIWYG Editor I'm very limited in what I can do.

There is no possibility to:

- scale an image (yes, you can change height and with but this doesn't really process the image)
- you can't set margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left instead you can set properties named HSpace and VSpace.
- Crop the image

Beside that I think it's ugly that the height and width of the image gets set as inline styles and not as attributes.

Your other image uploader is much nicer (class="edit-gallery") why don't you implement this one in the wysiwyg? Ah wait, because you use the CKE Editor... I would love to see the aloha editor instead. This would be awesome!

Re: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

That is a nice editor. Thanks Simon.

Let me speak to other Simon about this and we'll look at getting it integrated.

Ps. Our in-house image editor is amazing, so I'll not have a bad word said about that ;)

Re: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

Yes, your inhouse image editor is nice!

Did you make any progress about the aloha editor?

Re: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

We looked into Aloha and it's not quite what we want - it's close but we're working on getting something built in-house as we speak

Re: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

Hi Gavin, any progress on this?

Re: Upload Image in WYSIWYG

I know it seems like a long time ago, May, but it's quite a short time when it comes to building something bespoke like this - we are using an external developer for this aspect of the project and it's moving slowly but surely. You will know when we launch it :)